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M A T E R I A L S,  T E C H N I Q U E S  A N D  K N O W L E D G E 

Behind every work there are processes entail dedication, time and mastery, as well as a deep respect for the Earth. These processes are part of ancestral traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.
They are part of the identity and the culture of the native and rural peoples of Argentina.


The yarn of llama is 100% natural, standing out for its softness and warmth. Llamas live in altitude, cold and dry climates areas and they are raised in freedom in Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. They are sheared once a year, before summer. The Argentinean llama offers excellent fleece regarding lustre, silkiness and fineness.

The wool creations that we sell are handmade mostly with artisanal yarn and in smaller quantities, with industrial yarn 100% pure Argentinian wool. The wool fibre is barely thicker and less soft to the touch than llama fibre, but of the same quality.

 Cowhide is bovine leather, tanning. This tanning process allows to give colour, elasticity and resistance to leather through the use of plant extracts. Among the different tanning methods, the vegetable is the most classic, traditional and recognized; the most natural and the most environmentally friendly.

The Bromeliads are an important part of the vegetable tapestry of Gran Chaco. The “Chaguar” (Agave fibre)has traditionally been used by the Wichí, a hunter-gatherer people and is, along with its language, at the heart of its cultural identity. The resulting fibre from its yarn is very tough and rough to the touch.

This wood is well-known for its ceremonial uses, its perfume and its beauty of its veining of green and yellow colours. The native communities, especially Wichí, used that wood respectfully 100 years ago.

Native plant of the mountain 

T E C H N I Q U E S  A N D  K N O W L E D G E 

W O O L  A N D  L L A M A 

The process begins with the care and respect for animals, who live wide and calm, grazing on large areas of the altiplano, or on  lower lands, for the sheep.

1. Care of animals


A G A V E  F I B E R 

Harvesting is a task for women. Going to the mountain represents a moment of social exchange within each group and of learning by the new generations.

Once they find the place, the women scatter in the bush and each of them start the work: exploding, choosing the most suitable plant, working quietly, concentrating.

1. Plant collection, harvest


 C A R A N D I L L O   P A L M

1. Plant collection, harvest


The women go to the mountain in groups, choosing where to collect, alternating territories to give growth time to plants. The mountain is part of the community, it belongs to everyone.

Harvesting is done in spring and summer, as the plants are in better condition. And especially on new moon days, as the leaves are more flexible and manageable for the harvesting.

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